Hardcore supplement company Condemned Labz, fresh off of its partnership with the pre-workout collaboration with Fresh Supplements in Fresh Out, has revealed and released a spin-off of its popular fat burner Arsynist in Arsynist PM. While the alternative product is primarily built for weight loss, it is quite different from the original, stimulant-powered Arsynist, as Arsynist PM doesn’t have any stimulants; in fact, it’s built for the other end of your day in a hybrid fat-burning sleep aid.
Condemned Labz Arsynist PM brings together reliable recovery, relaxation, weight management, and sleep-supporting ingredients, aiming to help you get to sleep and burn fat throughout the night. It can be used alongside Arsynist, one for during the day for intense energy and focus, and the other at night, for sleep and comprehensive weight loss support.

The components driving the various benefits of the newly released Arsynist PM include 30mg of saffron, 100mg of rutaecarpine, green tea for the fat loss side of things, and tart cherry to improve recovery and have you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to perform. For relaxation and sleep, Condemned Labz has thrown in 300mg of lemon balm, 120mg of Shoden ashwagandha, 200mg of theanine, and one of our favorite sleep aids in melatonin at 1mg, and it’s also time-released melatonin.
Condemned Labz is already selling 30 serving bottles of Arsynist PM throughout its online store, enough to get you through a typical month as you throw down a single four-capsule serving every night to get to sleep, quality deep sleep, and support weight loss. The price of Arsynist PM is slightly cheaper than the original at $34.99, $10 lower than the stimulant-backed Arsynist.