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C4 Ultimate Energy’s Frost Collection changes color when it hits the perfect drinking temperature

C4 Ultimate Energy Drink Frost Collection

At the start of next year, the C4 family of delicious and effectively formulated beverages is introducing something quite different and extremely intriguing to its C4 Ultimate Energy Drink. The product was revamped earlier this year where it moved to a premium blend of energy and performance-driving ingredients with the Tri-Stim blend of caffeine, TeaCrine, and Dynamine. That high-powered formula will remain in place for what is called the C4 Ultimate Energy Drink Frost Collection.

The creative Frost Collection for the C4 Ultimate Energy Drink has been put together in partnership with packaging innovator Crown, and that is what makes each of the flavors in the series that extra bit special. The sports nutrition brand and packaging specialist have given the Frost family products a cold-activated design, where when they’re sitting out on a table or at regular temperature, the logo and lines are silver, then when put into a cooler and they hit the perfect drinking temperature, they turn blue.

There are three flavors that make up the C4 Ultimate Energy Drink Frost Collection, all without any sugar and next to no calories, and they are Frost Bitten Citrus, Tropical Tundra Frost, and Cherry Bomb Frost. They’ve all got some sort of icy, frosty twist to their name, and they do have descriptions with Citrus being a mix of pomegranate and tangerine, Tropical is kiwi and pear, and Cherry is cherry and watermelon. Once again, the team at C4 plans on officially launching its complete, cold-activated Frost Collection in January of next year, which is closing in at about three months away.