VMI Sports’ long-awaited Stacked K-XR is here; after starting out as K-XR Elite, the supplement has evolved into what we personally think is a far better name in Stacked K-XR but still taking the role of a premium pre-workout. The product is designed to be a more advanced step-up compared to the standard K-XR, with a wider variety of ingredients and heftier dosages for deeper support in all of the core pre-workout benefits of energy, focus, pumps, and performance.
There is, of course, a price difference between VMI Sports’ Stacked K-XR and the original K-XR, as that is the catch with premium pre-workouts; you simply spend more to get more. Whereas K-XR sits at $34.99 for a bottle of 30 servings through vmisports.com, the Stacked spin-off goes 42% beyond that at $49.99 before any discount. It is also worth mentioning Stacked K-XR has the same 30 servings which can be taken down to 15 if you double up, so it’s not the typical split of 40/20 or even 20/10.
Looking at the formula VMI Sports has packed into its first premium pre-workout, there are many similarities between the Stacked K-XR and the regular K-XR. That is to be expected, as mentioned earlier, the Stacked variant is designed to be the next step up for fans of K-XR who potentially want more, whether it’s for every workout moving forward or just to have on hand for workouts that require extra effort.

Similar to K-XR, VMI Sports’ Stacked K-XR has a full 3.2g of beta-alanine and 1.5g of taurine to drive up performance, and for pumps, you get 1.25g of betaine and 6g of MAXed Citrulline, which is an absorption enhanced citrulline malate to help your body get more out of the ingredient than standard citrulline malate. The focus and energy in the pre-workout come from a gram of tyrosine, 300mg each of theobromine and DMAE, half a gram of VitaCholine choline bitartrate, huperzine a, and finally, caffeine via absorption improved MAXed Caffeine providing a total of 200mg per serving.
It is worth noting that while VMI Sports puts the single scoop dosages on its label, it does say you can throw down a double, which makes this a whole nother beast. The 200mg of caffeine allows for two, as double gets you to 400mg, the same as a serving of K-XR. Other highlights in that maximum serving include 12g of citrulline malate, 2g of tyrosine, 6.4g of beta-alanine, a full 2.5g of betaine, and a gram of VitaCholine, all of which will most definitely give you an experience well beyond the original.