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Strawberry chunk-filled extension comes to ESN’s concentrated Designer Flavor Powder

Strawberry Esn Designer Flavor Powder

ESN is far and beyond the biggest names in supplements in the country of Germany, which we saw firsthand at this year’s major European health and nutrition convention, FIBO, where it had its own hall, and it wasn’t anything ordinary; it was the biggest display by a single brand we’d ever seen. The brand’s success is not misplaced, it has all corners of sports nutrition, lifestyle, and general wellness covered, and in typical European style, it has a host of functional offerings, including the one getting attention this week in Designer Flavor Powder.

Designer Flavor Powder from ESN is similar to the many other concentrated flavor powders available for purchase throughout the United Kingdom and Europe, where you get a compact powder that you sprinkle into a shake or smoothie for a more intense flavor. The brand has a long list of tastes available, from classics like Chocolate and Vanilla to unique recipes like Cherry Yogurt and Honey Cereal, and starting this month, there is a Strawberry on the menu offering a strong strawberry taste with chunks of strawberry for an authentic experience.

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