Layne Norton’s brand Outwork Nutrition didn’t start out with that many supplements nor has it expanded out to very many other types and categories over the several years it has been in the sports nutrition industry. Norton and his brand have a well-rounded pre-workout available caffeinated and stimulant-free, a creatine-based muscle builder, a quality protein powder, the still rather recent sleep aid, and beginning this month, it reaches into the ever-expanding hydration space with Outwork Electrolytes.
Outwork Nutrition’s latest innovation, Outwork Electrolytes, gets its name from the fact that its entire formula is based around that, sitting just below four figures for its total electrolyte count, breaking down to half a gram of sodium, 200mg of potassium, and 75m of magnesium. Again, the supplement is all about improving and supporting hydration, and to further better performance and endurance, there is a hint of carbohydrates by way of 8g from the common and reliable source, dextrose.
The all-new Outwork Electrolytes is available for purchase directly through Outwork Nutrition’s online store, taking the brand’s total number of supplements to five counting the two versions of the pre-workout as one. The product can be used alongside each of those others, in and around your workout or throughout the day to optimize hydration, and there are three options to choose from in terms of taste in Watermelon, Citrus, and for easier mixing with other items, there is also Unflavored.