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Myprotein gets together with hot sauce maker Tapatío for an authentic flavor of protein powder

Myprotein X Tapatio Mexican Chocolate Impact Whey Protein

There have been two collaborations with the legacy hot sauce company Tapatío in the world of health and nutrition in Myprotein by way of authentic Tapatío Spicy Mango and Spicy Strawberry Margarita flavors of the MyPro Series The Pre-Workout and Tapatío flavors of iWon’s Protein Stix and Protein Puffs. The former of those two brands, Myprotein, has called on that partnership once again and crafted another flavor collaboration with the hot sauce maker, but this time around, it’s not for a pre-workout.

In their second time partnering, Myprotein, specifically in the US, not any of the many other markets it’s present, has got together with Tapatío for an authentic Mexican Chocolate flavor of the great-value protein powder Impact Whey Protein. The nutrition profile is on the heavier side, having 22g of protein, a bit lower than the usual 25g, all from whey concentrate, and the calories are right up there in the usual realm at 140, but it’s all in the name of an authentic and intriguing Mexican chocolate flavor.

You can grab Myprotein and Tapatío’s second collaboration, the limited edition Mexican Chocolate Impact Whey Protein, straight from, the brand’s American online store, at $44.99 for a 2.2lb bag, so it doesn’t cost anything more than any of the standard, ongoing options of the supplement.