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Raw preps for Christmas early and begins production of a Hot Cocoa Itholate Protein

Froth Ted Hot Cocoa Itholate Protein

Similar to Easter, Independence Day, the Fall season, and Black Friday, sports nutrition brands are not afraid to put together some special edition products for the holidays and Christmas; in fact, there are countless examples from over the years from competitors of all shapes and sizes. We may be four months away from the big day, but Raw Nutrition has revealed that it will be taking part in the fun of the season of giving by way of a limited-time taste for its premium CBUM Series Itholate Protein Powder.

Currently being prepared for launch in the coming months is a Christmas or Holiday Edition flavor of Itholate Protein Powder named Froth-Ted Hot Cocoa. It is essentially a hot cocoa-inspired option of the supplement, designed to replicate the classic hot chocolate beverage experience. The difference, of course, is that this is a Hot Cocoa Itholate Protein Powder, combining that rich and decadent chocolate taste with a lean nutrition profile of 25g of protein, 5g of carbohydrates, and half a gram of fat.

There is no exact launch timeframe for Raw Nutrition’s Froth-Ted Hot Cocoa Itholate Protein Powder; currently, it is going into production, so it may be a while before it makes its way to shelves, although it definitely looks like it’ll be out, and available long before Christmas or even the month of December.