Axe and Sledge Supplements recently returned to shelves at the major supplement retailer GNC, but not in any sort of traditional fashion. The brand is once again available in GNC stores with a few familiar sports nutrition products as well as a few exclusives that you can’t find absolutely anywhere else. The list of items Axe and Sledge produced just for GNC are a Grape Soda JST WRK Energy Drink, the stimulant-backed balanced pre-workout HWMF, and the slightly more cost-effective protein powder blend Whey More.
In a couple of days, on Tuesday of next week, fans of Axe and Sledge Supplements that don’t shop at GNC are being given the opportunity to get their hands on those two completely exclusive products, the pre-workout HMWF and the protein powder Whey More. The brand is adding the two to its own online store at axeandsledge.com in all of their flavors, including Honey Graham and Brownie Batter for Whey More, and presumably similar prices as GNC at $52.99 for the protein and $49.99 for the pre-workout.