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Japan’s Alpron releases a moderately-sized bag of soybean-based meat

Alrpon Soy Meat

Similar to a bunch of health and nutrition brands in the United Kingdom and Europe, Alpron in Japan is far more than your go-to source for sports nutrition supplements like protein powders, amino acids, and pre-workout concoctions. It has a host of more functional, food-type items for fans to lead a healthier lifestyle beyond powders and pills, and that area of Alpron now includes a meat alternative for those who prefer to stay away from dairy sources and lead a plant-based, vegan-friendly lifestyle.

Alpron has added Soy Meat to its arsenal, a bag of small bite-sized pieces intended to mimic the feel and texture of actual meat, but as per the name, it is made from soybeans. The nutrition profile isn’t anything like beef or chicken, with a serving providing 37g of protein to 27g of carbohydrates, 24g of fat, and 453 calories. The product is relatively easy to prepare where you let it simmer in a pot for a fair amount of time and allow it to rehydrate, with ten minutes in hot water expanding it to triple the size.

Alpron’s Soy Meat certainly isn’t your typical product from a sports nutrition company, but it’s a nice addition, and anytime a consumer can get something they use from a place they’re already shopping, it’s an upside worth having or, at the very least, offering. The Japanese brand has produced its intriguing Soy Meat in moderate-sized bags of 300g, to be divided up to suit your nutrition needs and it does have a common food expiration timeframe.

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