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Pumpkin Pie returns to the refrigerated Perfect Bar for yet another year

2024 Return Of Pumpkin Pie Perfect Bar

The fall season is upon us, and the pumpkin-themed flavor creations are rolling in thick and fast from all across the industry. Years back, it wasn’t until early in September that we got the run of pumpkin-tasting protein powders and protein bars, and each year, it seems like it’s made itself that little bit earlier. Either way, the original refrigerated protein bar creator Perfect Snacks is right in the mix here at the end of August, resurrecting its limited edition, seasonal batch flavor of the sweet and smooth Perfect Bar.

For yet another year, Perfect Snacks has launched its Pumpkin Pie Perfect Bar for the season of fall, combining the always soft and smooth texture of the product with dried pumpkin pieces and spices for an authentic pumpkin pie experience. The nutrition is right on par with the other flavors of the Perfect Bar in 14g of protein, 19g of fat, 24g of carbohydrates with 16g of that sugar, and 310 calories. It is available now through the brand’s online store, but like every other time it’s been around, it’s not here for long.