Health and wellness supplement company Bloom has taken a page out of the sports nutrition book and released an energy drink, although it is for a little more than energy. The hugely successful brand combines natural caffeine with a few other common energizing beverage components like taurine, ginseng, and b vitamins. Where it sets itself apart is alongside all of that is Oligonol for cardiovascular health, beauty, and anti-aging, and SunFiber for better digestion and gut health.
The Bloom Sparkling Energy Drink is available first at Target, and as we’ve since discovered, that is currently the only place you are going to find it. The beverage has been confirmed as an exclusive to the giant retailer in all four of its flavors: Raspberry Lemon, Peach Mango, Strawberry Watermelon, and Cherry Lime. They’re sweet, refreshing, and free of sugar thanks to their use of the artificial sweetener sucralose, and the calories have remained nice and low at ten in a single 12oz can.
While the availability may eventually change, if you want to get your hands on the newly released Bloom Sparkling Energy Drink, for the time being you need to head down to your local Target, and there is also a listing in its online store where individual cans carry a price of $2.69.