Supplement Needs has further strengthened its female series of supplements, designed to support and improve very specific areas of women’s health. The collection already features a few premium products, including the omega 3, 6, 7, and 9 formula Omega Femme, Fertility+, and the premenstrual syndrome supplement PMS+. Before the end of July, the retailer and brand has added another entry to the line with PCOS+, built from the ground up for another area of female health and wellness.
Supplements Needs has put a sizeable eight-capsule serving size into its all-new PCOS+, and it has not wasted any space on this one, with well over ten different ingredients, 15 to be exact, all for the purpose of supporting polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS, for short, a complex hormonal condition. This is, of course, a health supplement, like everything else available from the company, not a prescribed medication, and it aims to help with common symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome.

The list of symptoms Supplement Needs is looking to address and support in its carefully crafted PCOS+ includes metabolism, healthy cholesterol, glucose management, gut health, and inflammation, all of which can have a huge impact on performance, recovery, and day-to-day life. The complete facts panel for the supplement can be seen above, including the likes of n-acetyl-cysteine, black seed powder, vitamins, minerals, and premium components like the superior Cinnulin PF and the stable CurcuPrime curcumin.
As with most of its health, wellness, and sports products, Supplement Needs PCOS+ has enough capsules to supply you for an entire month at 30 servings. If you’re at all familiar with the brand and its premium supplements, especially the female line, the well-put-together formulas do come with an understandably high price tag. PCOS+ is the most expensive entry in the company’s specialized collection, sitting at £49.99 (64.06 USD); again, that is for a bottle of 240 capsules for 30 servings.