The team at Six Star Pro Nutrition came out with an authentic cereal collaboration last year, something that is genuinely rare, as we see a lot of cereal-themed protein powders and several partnership flavors but almost no authentic cereal-collaborated products. The mainstream sports nutrition brand got together with Kellogg’s and two of its most iconic breakfast cereals in Froot Loops and Frosted Flakes, and turned them into flavors of its signature 100% Whey Protein.
Six Star Pro Nutrition has teamed up with the food giant Kellogg’s once again for another authentic collaboration with its legendary, colorful, hoop-shaped breakfast cereal, Froot Loops. This time around, there is a bit of a twist to the product, as the supplement company has transformed a special edition Froot Loops cereal into a flavor of protein powder. Now available for a delicious but limited time is a celebratory Froot Loops Birthday Cake 100% Whey Protein.
The Froot Loops Birthday Cake 100% Whey Protein has all of the same ingredients and nutrition as any other flavor of the Six Star Pro Nutrition supplement, providing 30g of protein per serving from a blend of whey concentrate, isolate, and hydrolyzed whey, around 8g of carbohydrates, and about 170 calories. Again, unlike the original Froot Loops and Frosted Flakes flavors of 100% Whey Protein, Birthday Cake is not a permanent product and is only around for a limited time.