Panda Supplements has been incredibly busy this year, releasing mostly new and intriguing flavor creatoins for some of its most popular products. We got one of those in the last couple of weeks with a lemon and lime recipe called Cranial Smash for the pre-workout Skull. This coming week, it looks as though we’re getting another flavor extension for one of the growing brand’s already available supplements, as alluded to in the teaser above that’s mostly wrapped in ice.
The graphic Panda Supplements has shared is for another taste for its signature stimulant pre-workout Pandamic, packed full of highlights for all of the core pre-workout benefits, including 9g of citrulline malate for pumps, 350mg of caffeine, and 3.2g of beta-alanine. The new flavor has not but judging by the red and green colors that can be mildly seen in the teaser, and the fact that it’s frozen in a block of ice has us thinking it is something like Cherry Ice Freeze or Ice Cherry Limeade.