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Sugarless coffee drink the next innovation to expand No Sugar Co’s growing Joyburst family

No Sugar Co Joyburst Coffee Frappe

The functional specialist, The No Sugar Co, has taken its Joyburst brand in all sorts of directions since initially coming to market with the Joyburst energy drink with 200mg of natural caffeine, absolutely no sugar, and zero calories. There has been a sports drink in Joyburst Renew, a canned clear style protein shake packing a premium 30g of protein, the better-for-you Joyburst Mocktails Series with no sugar, and now we’re looking at another functional take on a familiar beverage.

The No Sugar Co and its Joyburst sub-brand have previewed Mocha Frappe, a coffee drink, although this falls more in the area of a better-for-you alternative, as it isn’t loaded with extra protein or functional actives like energy or nootropics. Joyburst Mocha Frappe is simply a coffee-style beverage that comes packaged in the classic 325ml cardboard carton with a mocha flavor as per the name; it has absolutely no sugar and a moderate 7g of protein, ending with a light 41 calories.

The image we have is not final as The No Sugar Co is currently deciding between different versions of the packaging, but the overall concept will remain, with a Joyburst Mocha Frappe being a sugarless coffee drink to compete with the other similar strategy products out there. The brand has said you can expect to see this in Costco, so when the Joyburst family coffee expansion does eventually make its way to market, it’ll have strong distribution and easy availability for consumers.