Infinis Nutrition is getting busy once again this week, revealing and releasing another two completely new supplements; in addition to the health and wellness innovations Kidney, Liver, and Glucose, it is dropping alongside its sale for the 4th Of July. In this post, we’re going over the simpler product of the two, or at least the one that centers around a smaller set of benefits and effects with Energy, an all-out energy supplement, and as always from Infinis, it is backed by several premium ingredients.
While increasing, elevating, and enhancing energy can be a relatively simple task for a sports nutrition product, as seen in many of the carbonated beverages on the market, packing a solid dose of caffeine, Infinis Nutrition has shown just how complex one can get. The aptly named Energy is jam-packed full of ingredients to indeed increase energy, but that’s far from where the formula ends; it also has components for focus, mood, cognition, and performance for a powerfully uplifting experience.
Infinis Nutrition’s Energy actually achieves all of its effects in a way we’ve only seen one other sports nutrition brand do. The premium newcomer has formulated the supplement without absolutely no caffeine but included almost everything else you could need to amplify energy and focus. There is Compound Solutions’ powerhouse pair of TeaCrine and Dynamine at 50mg and 100mg, respectively, 200mg of the increasingly popular NeuroRush, saffron, huperzine, ginseng, Advantra Z, Zynamite, theobromine, B vitamins, and the two performance components, RhodoiPrime and PeakATP.

The upcoming Energy from Infinis Nutrition was already a stacked product, all for that very straightforward purpose of energy and similar complementing benefits, but the fact that it is doing all of that without any direct source of caffeine is incredibly innovative. The approach not only gives supplement enthusiasts a way to enhance energy without the classic stimulant, it also gives you a way to elevate something like a pre-workout or nootropic that is lacking in energy and you could add this to.
Infinis Nutrition already has common stimulant categories covered, such as pre-workout and nootropic, so something caffeinated would’ve caused some overlap; however, the creative team found a way around that and cooked up a supplement that is truly unique. Again, the versatility of Energy really makes it stand out and worthwhile having when you feel you could do with some caffeineless energy or extra effort in your pre-workout, and you’ll be able to get your hands on it this Thursday at infinisnutrition.com.