Blackstone Labs has released its first new supplement in quite some time, and following the recent release of its founder, PJ Braun. The product isn’t actually anything entirely new, has eagle-eyed fans of the brand will likely recognize the formula as did we with its specific set of four different ingredients. Blackstone’s latest is actually something that was put together several years ago when the legendary formulator Bryan Moskow, better known as the Guerrilla Chemist, was Blackstone’s Chief Science Officer.
The supplement we’re talking about is Trojan Horse, brought to market back in 2016, and it featured four specific ingredients to improve metabolism and overall weight loss without the use of stimulants. Those four components were 4g of calcium pyruvate, 750mg garcinia cambogia, half a gram of l-carnitine-l-tartrate, and 200mcg of chromium picolinate, all of which are included in Blackstone Labs’ newly released FLA-2, available in two flavors, separate from Trojan Horse’s Lemon Lime and Blackcurrant.
Blackstone Labs’ FLA-2 is, from top to bottom, Trojan Horse in terms of ingredients and dosages, but again, it has a different set of tastes to choose from in Mango Burst and the uniquely named Granny’s Tea. With all of that in mind, you can expect all of the same effects, benefits, and results, and it is available straight from the brand’s online store at $49.99 for a bottle of 60 servings, which could last two months, one month on a double dose, or just three weeks on the maximum of three servings a day.