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Black Magic increase the protein to 25g a serving in its reworked plant-based protein powder

Black Magic Revamping Vegan Protein

Reputable brand Black Magic is known for its specialized sports nutrition supplements in popular categories like pre-workout, muscle building, and weight loss, but it does compete in other prominent areas, including protein powder. The brand has a few options in that category, including its original collagen-based creamer Skull Dust, the multi-source Black Magic Protein, the more recent calorie-loaded Wicked Huge, and the item in the spotlight today, 100% Vegan Protein.

We’re talking about Black Magic’s plant-based 100% Vegan Protein in this post as it has announced the supplement is being revamped and relaunched. It has not gone into the specifics just yet, although it has stated it is completely reworking the formula, so changing up the ingredients and refining the taste and texture. The product will, of course, remain a plant-powered protein powder from a complete blend of sources, providing 25g of protein per serving, 25% more than the original.

Another key detail Black Magic has shared for its new and improved 100% Vegan Protein is that it’ll have a whole new menu for fans to choose from, consisting of five different flavor creations. One of those five has been confirmed as a traditional Cookies & Cream, with the rest to be revealed in the lead-up to the imminent release of the reformulated supplement.