Barbell Brigade has become many things throughout the years but it all started as a premium gym located in downtown Los Angeles, proudly featuring 16 squat racks, six deadlift platforms, and all of the weight plates you could need. Following that, the brand branched into other health and fitness areas including apparel with a hugely popular Barbell Brigade clothing collection, and what put it into our realm, were Barbell Brigade sports nutrition products.
Barbell Brigade brought its first supplement to market back in 2019, before the pandemic, with a well-formulated and well-rounded pre-workout. Since then, the line has expanded into other major categories like superfood, protein powder, multi-vitamin, a creatine-based muscle builder, and even a dedicated immune health product. It has been one hell of a journey to follow although this week Barbell Brigade has announced it is closing down its apparel and supplements.
Bart Kwan, founder of Barbell Brigade, has posted a video discussing the move and what it entails, as it is a big one. While the sports nutrition products have been around for some time, the clothing has been in existence significantly longer, although the original gym is not going anywhere. Kwan doesn’t point to anything specifically as to why the businesses are shutting down, but as one final goodbye, all of the remaining apparel and supplements are half price.