Stim Lord started, true to its name, as a stimulant-heavy pre-workout from Anabolic Warfare, although a couple of years ago, we did get a more complete and comprehensive variant by way of Stim Lord Fully Loaded, featuring more than stimulant-powered benefits. For 2024, the brand has revamped its Stim Lord pre-workout with a product that carries just the plain Stim Lord name, but on the inside, it still somewhat continues that same approach, as well as many of the same ingredients as Stim Lord Fully Loaded.
Anabolic Warfare’s latest iteration of Stim Lord is a well-rounded supplement, bringing together ingredients and dosages for energy, focus, pumps, and performance, and it has certainly elevated some of those areas compared to Fully Loaded. The biggest change for the product and points that fans will likely notice the most is the energy component, as there is a more potent blend of stimulants this time around, including a combined 450mg of caffeine, added dendrobium, and an added 150mg of eria jarensis.

Again, the energy component of Anabolic Warfare’s 2024 edition of Stim Lord is just the most noticeable aspect, at least from what we can see, but it is far from all that’s in there. The revamped supplement also comes with a bit more citrulline malate at 6.5g for muscle pumps, and that is really the only pump support, so it may not be as helpful in that area this time around. You still get beta-alanine and betaine for performance, both increased to 4g each per maximum serving, then comprehensively driving the focus is 50% more alpha-gpc at 600mg, 300mg of theobromine, 1.5g of tyrosine, and 300mcg of huperzine a.
While the all-new Stim Lord pre-workout has pieces of the previously released Stim Lord Fully Loaded, making it that more well-rounded pre-workout, Anabolic Warfare has taken it back to its roots a touch, including more actives for energy and focus to ensure a feeling to match the iconic name. The brand is currently discounting its updated supplement through its online store, where you’ll pay a lower $42.39 for a full-size tub of 20 servings, down from $52.99, in your choice of three sweet-sounding flavors.