Ryan Garcia has been all over headlines this past month in mainstream media, including his claim that he failed a VADA drug test due to a contaminated supplement. Garcia and his team indeed said they tested a bottle of SuperCarb from industry legend Mark Glazier’s long-standing reputable brand NutraBio, and found it contained ostarine. The SARM is something drug-tested athletes can not have, but more importantly, it’s also not something that can be put in an over-the-counter product.
Mark Glazier and NutraBio quickly came out and said they have never manufactured anything containing ostarine nor has the SARM ever stepped foot into its manufacturing facility, as NutraBio is one of the very few supplement companies that is vertically integrated and makes everything itself. The brand said it would be investigating the claim even further, and over the last week or so, it indeed hunted down the lot that Ryan Garcia’s SuperCarb was a part of and gone ahead and tested it for the SARM.
“A retain of the SuperCarb lot in question has been tested for Ostarine at ISO 17025 accredited laboratories by Eurofins and BSCG (Banned Substance Control Group), both of which are leading independent third party testing providers. The testing confirmed there was no Ostarine detected in the product.” – NutraBio CEO and founder Mark Glazier.
NutraBio did say it would get to the bottom of the whole situation, and it has indeed done that in an impressive amount of time. As mentioned, it tracked down the lot that Ryan Garcia’s unit of SuperCarb was a part of, tested a sealed bottle from that lot — Garcia’s was unsealed — and did not find the SARM ostarine at all. This, combined with the fact that NutraBio has never manufactured any supplement containing ostarine or even had it on its production premises, brings an end to the claims.