Muscle Sport is easily one of the best in the business when it comes to flavoring and creatively flavoring products in the category of protein powder, and it has provided a mountain of examples of that talent, another one of which is dropping at the end of the week. The brand has covered all of the common tastes like chocolate, vanilla, cookies, and peanut butter, so it’s almost guaranteed that when it cooks up something completely new, it is very different, unique, and, on many occasions, an industry-first.
This coming Friday, through its online store, Muscle Sport is releasing yet another option for its signature Lean Whey protein powder, providing 25g of protein per serving from high-quality whey isolate, plus MCTs, carnitine, CLA, and Fibersol for weight management. The fresh new flavor up next for the supplement’s menu is a cocktail-inspired Pina Colada, looking to replicate the drink’s classic combination of pineapple and coconut cream but in the form of a protein shake for post-workout or throughout the day.