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Reigning Functional Award winner Life Pro making a strong case to repeat

Life Pro Nutrition Nutpro

Life Pro Nutrition has already made a strong case in the first half of this year to repeat its win of our Functional Brand Of The Year Award, as it has been non-stop here in 2024, on par, if not more than what it was doing in 2023 on its way to winning the title. The interesting part we continue to mention is that the Spanish company is not a functional specialist; it offers protein powders, pre-workouts, and hydration formulas, but it excels in food and snacking innovation beyond anyone else in the world right now.

We’re saying all of this as, despite launching what is technically ten different SKUs in the last few weeks, all of them functional-categorized, Life Pro Nutrition has yet another to share this week with the delicious, higher-protein spread, Nutpro. It is a chocolate and hazelnut spread, similar to the world-famous Nutella, but it has a striped color pattern to the cream, and again, it’s better for you, with 6.3g of protein in a 30g spoonful, thanks to the added whey, 11.7g of fat, and 9g of carbohydrates with zero sugar.

Life Pro Nutrition simply continues to prove why it is one of the best in the industry in the space of functional food, and this time around, it is an innovation by way of an undoubtedly delicious, better-for-you nutella-type spread in an eye-catching dual cream finish. As always, the place to go to get the latest from the health and nutrition brand is its own online store, where 250g pots of Nutpro are €8.50.