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HD Muscle prepares to release a clear-style protein powder in Mango and Raspberry flavors

Hd Muscle Pro Hd Clear

The subcategory of clear protein powder continues to grow and expand here in the US, with reputable brands, small, medium, and large, all getting in on the action. Many of them are getting creative with the fruity approach to their flavor profiles, but the competitors continue to roll in, and one of the next ones is going to be the premium brand HD Muscle. While it does already have a quality protein powder on the market in Pro HD, that is about to get a clear-style spin off in Pro HD Clear.

HD Muscle’s first-ever clear protein powder is not available at the moment but it will be sometime soon, and it is rolling out in two flavors, both keeping with the theme of the subcategory being refreshing and fruity with Mango Tango and a sweet Raspberry. The supplement is powered entirely by high-quality grass-fed whey isolate, ensuring a lean nutrition profile of 23.5g of protein, only a gram of sugar, and low carbohydrates and fat, with the calories landing just above 100 at 105 to 108.

The price on Pro HD Clear won’t be any more than a standard tub of the original and traditionally flavored Pro HD protein powder, and you still get the same 30 servings. As mentioned, though, the protein is 23.5g a serving compared to Pro HD’s 25g, so while it is the same price, you’re getting about two servings fewer based on how much total protein you get in a tub of Pro HD Clear.

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