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ESN prepares to drop a clean, creative and crispy riced-based carbohydrate product

Esn Rice Crispies

German giant ESN, a dominator in its local market, expands its selection month in and month out, including some essential nutrition products as well as delicious and convenient functional foods. It is incredibly easy to buy everything you need entirely from the brand, as it is simply that comprehensive, covering every corner possible. These days, its extensions are much more intriguing, including an upcoming source of carbohydrates to enjoy by itself or stacked with a protein supplement.

ESN has unveiled its all-new Rice Crispies, which is actually an ingredient most people will have come across and experienced as it is purely what it’s called: rice-based crispy puffy pieces. Coming from rice, as mentioned, rice crispies are a great source of carbohydrates, and that is exactly what the brand is promoting the upcoming product for. Rice Crispies is something you can utilize in baking, a smoothie, or straight into a protein shake for crunchy, quality carbs at 43g in a moderate 50g serving.

There doesn’t appear to be any sort of flavor to the versatile carbohydrate innovation, reinforcing the simplicity of it all, and it’ll be launching shortly through ESN’s online store at in bulk cereal box-style packaging, which is another use for it; to be enjoyed like a classic breakfast cereal.

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