Well-known Swedish supplement company SSN released a second energy drink earlier this year in SMAC Energy, featuring a more traditional formula compared to its already available effort, similarly named but much more complex in SMAC Pre-Workout. The only downside to the simpler, anytime SMAC Energy drink was it hit the market in one flavor, pairing what is essentially its one and only active ingredient of caffeine anhydrous at a moderate 140mg with a classic icy blue raspberry recipe titled Ice Blue.
Fast forward just a couple of months, and SSN in Sweden is already expanding the menu of its regular SMAC Energy drink to catch up to the performance-powering SMAC Pre-Workout. The brand has finally given the beverage actual options or, more simply, a second flavor to choose from, seeing the original Ice Blue joined by Emerald Breeze. That name doesn’t exactly give us much idea of what it’s meant to taste like, but if we had to guess, we’d say green apple or maybe even pear; either way, it’s currently making its way out into the market, and it’s as clean as Ice Blue with no sugar and low calories.