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Panda vaguely teases an intriguing, mysterious product to be revealed next week

Panda Mysterious Black Mamba Teaser Image

Panda Supplements has become one of the best at hyping its releases and innovations, whether it’s the intricate and intriguing marketing material it puts together or the fact that the product that comes out the other end is almost always stacked full of effective ingredients and dosages. The reputable brand is back at it this week, teasing the coming of another product, but unlike some of its more obvious material, this one does not let loose any concrete details, keeping everything extremely vague.

All that we get in the latest hint at Panda Supplements’ latest creation is that it involves a dark and intriguing snake, seemingly a black mamba. As cool and badass as that is, it does not really give us any idea at all as to what we’re in for. This could be another inter-brand collaboration with someone that uses a snake in its marketing, or even has a black mamba-themed product; it could also be a flavor of some kind; or, better yet, a completely new innovation like a pre-workout or fat burner.

Panda Supplements knows how to keep things interesting and intriguing, and that has not changed this week, leaving us curious as to what is around the corner, or in this case, next week, but at the very least, we know it is going to be something loyal fans will want to add to their monthly stack.

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