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MuscleMeds returns to the pre-workout category with a great value competitor

Musclemeds Nitro Lift

MuscleMeds hasn’t been known for its efforts in the pre-workout category; as mentioned, almost every time the brand in red has come up, and its signature supplement is none other than the beef-based protein powder Carnivor, which has spawned a few spin-offs as well. The long-running company has done some pre-workouts in the past with the stimulant-powered No Bull and its sequel, No Bull XMT, and it is giving it another run this month with the introduction of the complete Nitro Lift.

Nitro Lift is the first pre-workout we’ve seen from MuscleMeds in quite some time, and as mentioned, it hits in all of the right areas, with ingredients and dosages to support all of the usual core benefits, from energy and focus through to pumps, performance, and strength. It is also worth noting that in a market where we’re seeing all sorts of premium and kitchen-sink style competitors, Nitro Lift is really more of a cost-effective offering, launching at just $35 for a tub of 20 servings.

Musclemeds Nitro Lift Label

Squeezed into the maximum serving of MuscleMeds’ Nitro Lift is a full 5g of creatine monohydrate for strength and power, 3.2g of beta-alanine and premium elevATP at 150mg for performance, 2g of betaine, and an electrolyte blend providing a combined 640mg of electrolytes. For pumps, you get 200mg of grape seed and an intriguing 6g blend of 1:1 citrulline to arginine, so 3g of pure citrulline and 3g arginine, plus 100mg of mucuna pruriens, 350mg of DMAE, and a reliable 350mg of caffeine for energy and focus.

Altogether, MuscleMeds has posted an impressive variety of ingredients considering the sub $40 price tag, which is most certainly not common these days. At $35, this is potentially one of the best entries in the highly competitive category in the 30 to $40 price range, and it is 20, two-scoop servings, giving you the freedom to back it down to a single scoop for half the dosages, if you prefer.

MuscleMeds’ online store at is the first place you can go to get your hands on its comprehensive and cost-effective pre-workout Nitro Lift, once again, at $35 for a tub of 20 servings in your choice of two flavors, Blue Slush and Cherry Lime. When you go to the Carnivor brand’s website you’ll also notice there is a VIP Member’s option that’s even cheaper at $31.50. The VIP program is something MuscleMeds charges for but if you buy at least two supplements a month, it’s worth subscribing to as it’s only $4.99 a month or $45 for the year, which is half of what you’d save with 10% off an order of $100.