Infinis Nutrition is back again, sharing details of its first-ever testosterone booster, and it’s no surprise the premium powerhouse has packed it to the brim. Every other item under the growing newcomer’s banner is loaded for its specific purpose or category, and this one is no different. Infinis has also kept the formula completely separate from its other similarly-minded product, Muscle Builder, making it so you can stack the two together for even better results without any crossover.
Test Booster from Infinis Nutrition isn’t as stacked with premium and branded ingredients as much as we’re used to seeing from it, but there are still several nonetheless, including Shoden ashwagandha at 120mg, the EndoFlow blend at 150mg, the reputable PrimaVie purified shilajit at 250mg, and clinically tested ProtoTest dioscorea nipponica, which we just saw in Enhanced Labs’ Top T.

Those ingredients mentioned are indeed all of the premium entries Infinis Nutrition has squeezed into Test Booster, and there are several others alongside them for the purpose of supporting, increasing, and enhancing testosterone to build muscle, improve recovery and libido, increase strength, and all of the other great benefits that come with it. Those other components include 600mg of fenugreek, boron, DIM, zinc, longjack, and a full and effective 1.2g of fadogia agrestis.
As expected, and as you can see, Infinis Nutrition went all out for its first-ever testosterone booster, even with all of the ingredients it threw together for its stackable, natural anabolic Muscle Builder. It has all of the usual components found in a testosterone booster with some modern features in fadogia, ProtoTest, and EndoFlow, all to drive the benefit in its name: boost testosterone.
Infinis Nutrition’s Test Booster is going live this week over at infinisnutrition.com, joining its now extensive selection of sports nutrition supplements, including Ultra Pre-Workout, the promising performance powerhouse Hydrate, and the loaded nootropic Brain. Test Booster is expected to become available in combination with the natural anabolic Muscle Builder, and as mentioned previously, we wouldn’t be surprised if they debut in a stack since they are dropping together.