A supplement company that has made a statement here in 2024 is one that has been featured here at Stack3d multiple times over the last couple of months, and it hasn’t been for four standard flavor extensions or basic, standalone products. We are talking about Infinis Nutrition, which has exploded in the months following its debut, recently adding a whole host of complex and advanced sports nutrition supplements to its catalog, including Hydration, Ultra Pump, Muscle Builder, and Test Booster.
We had the good fortune of sitting down with Emir Drin, the founder and owner of Infinis Nutrition, for an interview to talk all about his still extremely young and growing brand and, most importantly, what encouraged the supremely premium approach it takes in each of its products. It turns out there is an in-depth story behind Emir and Infinis’ approach to supplements, how each of the categories it goes after is selected, despite not all of them being sports nutrition, and why it stacks its formulas to the brim.
It is an incredibly great conversation that we took the chance to put all of our questions out there, and it is worth listening to if you’re a fan of Infinis Nutrition or just packed-out sports nutrition, and health and wellness products in general. The brand also talks about some of the categories it has yet to tackle but plans on doing so in the near future, as well as which of the supplements it’s dropped so far that Emir is most proud of; you can catch it all in the latest Stack3d Podcast Interview on our YouTube channel.