Health and wellness supplements have become incredibly important and crucial over the last few years; where several sports nutrition companies have formulated products to support areas outside of your workout, like general health, wellness, stress, organ health, and functionality. Huge Supplements has done that to close out the month of May, and instead of spreading specific areas and benefits into separate items, it has rolled them all into the one product with Defend Cycle Support.
Huge Supplements’ latest innovation has been formulated to support liver, kidney, and heart health and function, all vital organs of the body, as well as prostate health and function, and immunity, a truly underestimated area, as disruption there can lead to drops in strength, performance, and recovery. We’ve got the complete facts panel for Defend Cycle Support in the image below, where you can see the brand has brought together groups of ingredients to help out in each of those departments.

To protect and support immune health, Huge Supplements’ Defend Cycle Support has elderberry, zinc, and a solid 200mg of vitamin C, and for liver health, you get the genuinely reliable premium components, n-acetyl-l-cysteine, milk thistle, and TUDCA, dosed at 1.1g, 1g, and 300mg, respectively. There is also saw palmetto for prostate function, pine bark, astragalus, and hawthorne for kidney and heart health, then to optimize absorption for better uptake and efficacy, there is 10mg of BioPerine black pepper.
Considering all of the areas Huge Supplements covers in Defend Cycle Support in liver, kidney, heart, prostate, and immunity, the price it has given the comprehensive health and wellness product is more than reasonable. Directly through the brand’s online store, before any ambassador coupon code or promotional discount, is $54.95, and that is for a bottle of 30, absolutely huge 12 capsule servings — one of the biggest servings we’ve seen — to supply and get you through a typical 30 day month.