Appetite supplements are relatively common, especially weight loss products that promise reduction or suppression in this area, although rarely do you see innovations go the other way for what has come to be referred to as appetite enhancers. This is where the goal of the supplement is to help you eat more or make it more comfortable to put away a higher amount of calories, primarily for building muscle size and strength, and that is what Greg Doucette’s brand, HTLT, has pushed out this week.
HTLT has created a product with a similar name to itself, Hungrier Than Last Time, and it is designed specifically to enhance your appetite, or as it’s categorized on the bottle, it is an appetite stimulant. The brand has brought together a variety of ingredients to increase appetite, decrease nausea, and improve the efficiency of gastric emptying, essentially to help your body make more room for food.

You can see the full formula powering HTLT’s Hungrier Than Last Time above, including 2g of fish oil in its maximum eight-capsule serving and atractylodes chinensis also at 2g and known for its digestion and swelling-reducing abilities. Further down the facts panel, you get 300mg of ginger, 200mg of anandamide powder, another 200mg of red clover extract, 10mg of astaxanthin, and vitamins E and B1. Again, this is all for the purpose of putting your body in the best position or getting it in that direction, to be able to take in a higher amount of calories than what it’s used to, perfectly suited for hard gainers.
Typically, you take appetite enhancers like Hungrier Than Last Time from HTLT in the lead-up to your biggest meal or one of your bigger meals, to be taken once a day. Keep in mind, if you want the dosages of that maximum eight-capsule serving, you will need to buy a few bottles to get you through a typical 30-day month. Hungrier Than Last Time is $44.99 each or $41.66 each for three, and you get 30 regular servings or 15 maximum, so it’ll take two bottles to get through a month using a full serving.