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Evogen makes a Victory Punch Series in honor of Hany Rambod’s legendary Olympia track record

Evogen Victory Punch

In honor of being the coach behind what is presumably a record in a combined 24 Olympia wins — including Phil Heath and Derek Lunsford — Hany Rambod and his premium sports nutrition brand Evogen have released a special edition flavor, appropriately named and put together for a selection of supplements, not just one. The flavor name is Victory Punch, again fitting for what it is commemorating, and it is a refreshing mult-fruit experience, combining the likes of orange, apple, and pineapple.

The legendary Olympia coach Hany Rambod and Evogen have crafted their sweet and fruity Victory Punch flavor for three of their popular supplements, two of them pre-workouts in EVP Xtreme NO and EVP 3D, the former is stimulant-based and the latter stim-free. The third item in the Victory Punch family is the advanced amino-powered intra-workout Amino KEM, and you can get each of them or the entire set over at for $44.95 a bottle, except for EVP Xtreme sitting $5 more at $49.95.