MST Nutrition in Europe has put together an all-new amino acid supplement self-explanatorily named 9EAAs, as it does indeed have all nine essential amino acids to support muscle recovery and repair. The product is entirely centered around EAAs, although, unlike most others in that common sports nutrition category, 9EAAs doesn’t come in bulk powder format. MST has gone with swallowable capsules for this one, which means you have to take down quite a few capsules to get a good amount of EAAs.
9EAAs from MST Nutrition has 1,047mg of all nine essential amino acids, the majority of that being lysine and, of course, the three all-important BCAAs: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. As mentioned, being in capsules, you will have to throw down a few to get a good amount of EAAs, as something like the usual 5g has to come from five capsules. The product is hitting shelves in two sizes, both with plenty of pills in a 120 count and 200 count, the latter working out 40 servings if you like the sound of the 5g of EAAs.