Something we’ve seen many of the gaming supplement companies out there do is transition from their signature gaming category, typically geared towards moderate energy, enhanced focus, and elevated cognition, in flavored powder format, into energy drinks. Many of the big names made the leap, and now the emerging Dubby is going that route with the Dubby Energy Drink, designed for energy and focus with a similar sort of combination of ingredients as you get in the brand’s original supplement.
The Dubby Energy Drink features an identical amount of caffeine as the flagship Dubby powder product, ensuring an equal amount of caffeine-fueled energy. There are some vitamins and minerals, too, at 100% of their daily recommended value and the brand has maintained its inclusion of the proven focus and cognition agent CongatiQ, previously called Neurofactor, but no mention of its exact dosage. Dubby has not carried over the citrulline, tyrosine, or taurine, although the 150mg hit of caffeine and patented CognatiQ are more than enough to separate it from your traditional carbonated energy beverage.
Dubby does stick to a clean and nutrition-friendly recipe for the Dubby Energy Drink, as its slim and sleek 12oz can has absolutely no sugar or carbohydrates and a non-existent calorie count of zero. That goes for both of its sweet and refreshing flavors, which are a smoothie-style blend of Strawberry Banana and a twist to the familiar orange creamsicle experience, Mango Orange Cream.
You can purchase the newly released Dubby Energy Drink straight from the gaming brand’s online store alongside its signature gaming supplement at dubby.gg. The price for a case of a dozen cans of the beverage is not bad, in the same area as some of the other more complex energy drinks out there utilizing premium ingredients. Through Dubby’s website, you’ll pay $32.99, working out to $2.75 a piece, less overall than a 40-serving tub of its supplement but obviously not more cost-effective per serving.