CreGAAtine is an increasingly popular creatine-based, muscle-building ingredient, promising many of the same benefits as classic forms of creatine like monohydrate and HCl, but with an innovative combination of creatine monohydrate and guanidinoacetic acid. It is the guanidinoacetic acid, or GAA for short, that separates CreGAAtine from the other types of long-running ingredient on the market and has already been utilized at Naughty Boy in Electro Creatine and Unmatched Supplements in BH2K.
As mentioned, CreGAAtine combines creatine monohydrate with guanidinoacetic acid, which is a precursor to creatine and is designed to significantly enhance creatine levels in muscles and the brain. This blend aims to support all of the usual creatine performance benefits as well as cognitive functions like memory and concentration. It also promises no water retention, a common side effect in standard creatine monohydrate, but at the same time, it is not something every supplement user appreciates.
The team behind CreGAAtine promotes some impressive benefits and numbers on their website, noting that regular creatine increases creatine levels by about 2%, whereas its blend of creatine monohydrate and guanidinoacetic acid multiplies that by eight and a half to a 16.9% increase. CreGAAtine’s other major claim is that it puts almost four times more creatine in the gray matter of the brain and 1.9 times more white matter, potentially leading to improved memory, perception, cognition, and concentration.
You can read more about the growing creatine monohydrate and guanidinoacetic acid combination CreGAAtine, over at cregaatine.com, which also has an online store for you to purchase the creatine alternative standalone in powder format. Again, the ingredient looks like it is going to start making some noise in the sports nutrition market, with Naughty Boy in the UK and Kris Gethin’s Unmatched Supplements here in the US utilizing CreGAAtine, and that’ll most likely encourage others to get on it.