Xtremis Cartel is the rebranded evolution of the hardcore sports nutrition brand ASC Supplements, and when it made that transition from old to new, it didn’t immediately bring over all of its original products but has gradually relaunched many since then. Later this week, another one of those ASC supplements is becoming a part of the Xtremis Cartel family in Demonio, the potent fat burner packed full of ingredients for intense energy, focus, thermogenesis, metabolism, and weight loss.
The brand is referring to its upcoming Demonio as Demonio V2, although image-wise, it appears as though it’ll continue the standalone name and simply be Xtremis Cartel’s Demonio. The formula behind the supplement has not been shared just yet, but you can count on it being a solid step up from the original. The brand has made sure each of the products under Xtremis are just as, if not even more competitive than they were at ASC, which will likely be the case in Demonio V2.
Xtremis Cartel is planning to launch its version of the weight loss supplement Demonio later this week on Friday, with the formula potentially coming between now and then to give fans and followers all of the details they need to decide on whether they want to get in and try a bottle.