Mango Peach is the newest flavor of Gorilla Mind’s effective, energy and focus-enhancing beverage, the Gorilla Mind Energy Drink, bringing its total number of tastes to an impressive 15, one shy of quadrupling the amount it debuted in around this time last year. The Mango Peach Gorilla Mind Energy Drink first appeared at a small brick and mortar sports nutrition store by way of Driven Supplements, which confirmed the extension was only going to be available for purchase at similar independent retailers.
That doesn’t stop the possibility of you purchasing the undoutedbly sweet and on-point Mango Peach Gorilla Mind Energy Drink online from the comfort of your own home, in fact, there are a few locations that have already shown up with it on their websites. The most reliable of those is the long-running and well-known Natural Body, which is selling the mango and peach recipe alongside nine other flavors of the energy drink at naturalbodyinc.com individually for $3.99 a can, or $3.50 each if you get two or more.