Viking Power steam-rolled last week with the drop of three products: two completely new innovations by way of the muscle builder Gleipnir and stimulant-free fat burner Loki, and flavor number five for its mainstream-level pre-workout Thor’s Hammer. The train is not stopping before we move into May, as the MM Sports house brand is at it again, revealing and releasing another supplement with Idun’s Blessing, which puts the International Brand Of The Year into the anti-aging category.
Viking Power already reaches into arguably all of the important sports nutrition space but continues to expand deeper into the industry as well as areas more in the realm of health and wellness, and that is what we’re getting in Idun’s Blessing. The brand has built the product around arguably the most popular and well-known anti-aging ingredient on the market with nicotinamide, more briefly referred to as NAD, and in every three-capsule serving of the latest from Viking Power.
NAD is one of the core components of Viking Power’s Idun’s Blessing, but there are several others filling out the formula, including 10mg of coQ10, another 10mg of ergothioneine, 100mg of resveratrol, 190mg of quercetin, and 1.5g of taurine. There are a couple of vitamins in the mix, too, by way of C and B12, and to ramp up absorption and efficacy, there is the ever-present AstraGin at 35mg.
Anti-aging supplements tend to come at a premium price, and while MM Sports and Viking Power price Idun’s Blessing all that high, it’s certainly at the higher end of the scale in its local Swedish market. Directly from the retailer’s online store at mmsports.se, the house brand’s newest innovation is 499kr (45.43 USD), around the same as its muscle builders Gleipnir and the powerhouse pre-workout Leviathan. You can discount that slightly with MM Sports’ usual discount of 10 to 15% on double and triple packs.