Protyze claims responsibility for being the first domestic Indian supplement company to make a clear protein powder by way of Anytime Clear Whey Protein, and it debuted that with a whole host of intriguing flavors very different from what we see here in the US, including Cosmopolitan and a traditional Nimbu Pani. That product is now no longer the brand’s only clear-style protein competitor, being joined by somewhat of a hybrid entry in Diet Clear Protein.
Diet Clear Protein is Protyze’s weight loss-supporting spin-off of Anytime Clear Whey Protein, where you still get that classic clear protein powder approach with 15g of protein per serving, all from whey isolate, 3g of carbohydrates, half a gram of sugar, no fat, and 75 calories. What makes the supplement a hybrid effort is that alongside the solid source of protein, you have half a gram of metabolism-enhancing carnitine and a combined 4.5 billion CFUs of probiotics.
While we are saying Diet Clear Protein is a hybrid protein powder, it’s really a triple-threat from Proytze, working as a protein supplement with that 15g of protein and lean 75 calories, the light but present carnitine, and the gut health benefits from the variety of probiotics. Staying true to the style of protein powder, the latest from the Indian brand is available exclusively in fruity flavors with Mango, Lychee, and Blueberry in bundles of 15 or 30 single-serving sachets.