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NutraBio explains clumping supplements specifically around Unbound’s pump product

The team at the reputable and extremely transparent NutraBio has put together an educational video going over the issue of clumped powder supplements. This is something that can happen over time or sooner than expected depending on a product’s ingredients. It doesn’t stop the formula from working, but cracking open a tub and trying to scoop a serving of powder from essentially a powdery brick can be both concerning and difficult compared to a fine powder.

NutraBio’s short three-minute video goes over the trick of clumping supplements, specifically around its stackable stimulant-free pre-workout Unbent. Due to its combination of ingredients, specifically pump-powering glycerol, the sub-brand Unbound’s Unbent tends to clump at around the eight-month mark. As mentioned though, it doesn’t affect the benefits you get from the supplement, which is purely pumps in Unbent, it only really alters the serving process.

A good trick we’ve used over the years is to shake it up as much as possible, breaking it away from its full shape, then grab a knife or a fork and simply stab and twist the clumped powder. This works every time we’ve needed it to and we never experienced any loss of effectiveness. Another noteworthy detail is serving size, as when the product is in smaller clumps, you can’t get an actual scoop, so try jamming as much as you can into the scoop to be as accurate as possible.

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