Legacy snacking brand CLIF, known mostly for its signature CLIF Bar, also has a product on the market called CLIF Bloks, which is a stick of bite-sized pieces, each of them designed to provide a concentrated source of carbohydrates for fuel and performance at around 8g in a small 10g piece. Half of those carbs are sugar, and some of the flavors of the product have other ingredients to add other benefits to the mix, such as Margarita with three times the sodium and Tropical Punch with 25mg of caffeine thrown in.
CLIF is giving back to its long-running, convenient energy and fuel item CLIF Bloks, revealing and releasing two completely new flavors, and while each of them is different in its own right, they are a part of a separate series within the product line. The flavor extensions for the carbohydrate-focused CLIF Bloks are Sour Green Apple and Sour Strawberry Lemonade, and they make up the functional food’s all-new Sour Series, Apple featuring Bloks’ usual formula and Strawberry having that extra 25mg of caffeine.
The nutrition profiles in CLIF Bloks Sour Series are about the same as the other non-sour options, with 7 to 8g of carbohydrates per piece, again, half of that is sugar, and a calorie count of around 30. Both of the sour-tasting flavors — Sour Green Apple and Sour Strawberry Lemonade — are available now, including through the brand’s official online store, where you can pay $52.49 for a box of 18 packets, six pieces in each.