At last year’s SupplySide show in Las Vegas, Vireo, the company behind the well-known concentrated creatine CON-CRET, announced a similar sort of innovation but in the form of a different ingredient with citrulline HCl, which goes by the brand name HydroNOx. The intriguing benefit of Vireo’s latest innovation is that it claims to be three times as concentrated as regular l-citrulline, suggesting 2g of HydroNOx would have the same or similar effect as 6g of citrulline but take up a third of the space.
It was indeed several months ago that word got out on Vireo’s HydroNOx, and rightfully so; you may be wondering if there are any supplement companies looking to, developing, or about to put the pump-powering component to use. The answer is yes. The citrulline HCl makes have confirmed there are several brands working on products utilizing HydroNOx and lining them up for launch; right now, it is purely the time it takes to perfect a formula, beta test it, and then roughly wait 12 weeks for production.
Vireo is obviously not revealing any supplements or naming any brands, only that many are far along in the process, and they should be making their way to market in the coming months. Additionally, the ingredient maker has crafted a new logo to go with what sounds like a large amount of products just around the corner. The tweaks and updates add a bit more character to the logo with a slope and water droplet in the “O”, as opposed to the more straightforward and straight-up appearance of the original.