Joey Swoll’s better-for-you and top-tasting sauce company, Taste Flavor Co, has officially returned to the market after promising to make a comeback near the end of last year. The functional brand originally hit the market about four years ago, and it’s definitely one of the more premium, gourmet, lower-calorie sauce makers. We’ve tried several better-for-you condiments from around the world, and again, Taste Flavor Co tops many of them, delivering an authentic taste, various flavor notes, and all with better calories.
Taste Flavor Co from Joey Swoll has been completely refreshed and relaunched here in 2024 with a family of products offering the same sort of experience with delicious sauces to throw on your food without the guilt of excess calories. The brand’s signature sauce is now available in the same sort of flavors as the original selection in Cherry Smoked BBQ, Spicy Garlic Parm, and Hot Honey Sriracha, with absolutely no protein or fat, 4g or fewer carbohydrates, zero to 2g of that sugar, and ten calories in a very reasonable 15g serving.
Joey Swoll makes all three of its equally delicious, if not even tastier than the original sauces, with real ingredients for an authentic flavor experience, including the likes of parmesan cheese, garlic, chili flakes, onion, and jalapeno. The direct price of any of the flavors is $14.99, more than reasonable, we’d say, considering the taste you get, and if you’d like to commit a bit harder and grab a bunch of bottles as opposed to a single, there is a three pack at $38.97 or go up to five bottles for $59.95, which works out to $12 each.