Swedish supplement company SSN joined the now hugely popular energy drink space at the end of 2022 with SMAC, a pre-workout-style beverage that has a lot more than the typical energizing and uplifting components found in a carbonated competitor. The SMAC energy drink features 4g of straight citrulline for pumps, performance-supporting beta-alanine at 2.5g, taurine, acetyl-l-carnitine for focus, and finally a moderate 200mg of caffeine in two refreshing flavors — Orange Blast and Power Pear — both zero calorie.
About one and a half years later, SSN has decided to spruce up its offering in the world of energy drinks, keeping all of the ingredients and dosages the same, from the 4g of citrulline to 200mg of caffeine, but mixing things around in the other areas of the product. The brand has apparently lessened the carbonation of the SMAC pre-workout beverage and revamped its menu, dropping Orange Blast, renaming Power Pear to Apple Pear, and adding two entirely new fruity experiences in Strawberry and Twisted Mango.
SSN in Sweden is currently rolling out its refreshed SMAC energy drink, and while it is said to have a different look, comparing the original and the 2024 edition, they do look pretty much the same. To be safe, fans that do go hunting for the revamped beverage, be sure to grab the new flavors, Strawberry and Twisted Mango, as that guarantees you’ll get the new recipe.