Genius Brand’s muscle-building supplement, appropriately named Genius Muscle, is a well-put-together product, bringing together a reliable set of premium and proven ingredients, which is a common theme throughout most of its sports nutrition offerings. The supplement has been around for more than half a decade and has maintained its original formula throughout, featuring a full 2g dose of the PeakO2 performance-supporting mushroom blend, 1.5g of Mediator phosphatidic acid, and another 1.5g of the well-studied myHMB.
Another interesting highlight of Genius Brand’s Genius Muscle is the fact that it’s flavored; while most products of this type come in capsules or tablets, this one was introduced and is still exclusively in flavored powder. Since its initial debut, the brand has had only one taste to choose from in Strawberry Vanilla, although all these years later, it has decided to give fans an actual menu, adding a second flavor to the premium muscle builder by way of Salted Caramel, and it’s in stock and available right away on Amazon for $89.99.