RXBAR already caught health and fitness enthusiasts’ attention with its incredibly interesting New Year’s promotion in the Bar the Couch Pledge. The no BS brand asked fans to pledge to move their couch somewhere else for 30 days, and those that successfully did would go in the draw for a cash prize of $2,500 and a year’s supply of the RXBAR. This month, the creative functional company has put together another fun and entertaining sweepstakes that ties in nicely, or at least ties in, with Valentine’s Day.
R-eXes is the latest idea RXBAR has thrown out there, and this is certainly something different. According to research, the brand is saying that 61% of gymgoers surveyed would change where they work out to build some distance between them and an ex-partner. With that in mind, and again, right around Valentine’s Day — which is one week from today — RXBAR is giving ten randomly selected individuals the ability to gift their ex a membership at a gym different from the one they currently uncomfortably share.
As RXBAR cleverly puts in its marketing, “We didn’t work out, so workout somewhere else”. It is definitely an out-there prize, but not only do the winners get the chance for the brand to pay for their ex to gym elsewhere, they also get a box of the RXBAR and a $100 gift card to spend on apparel and have them hitting their workouts in style. If this prize sounds of any interest to you and is a situation you may be in or about to get into, head to rxbarexes.com/register with entries closing at midnight, Valentine’s Day.