ATP Lab is a reputable and typically well-put-together supplement company from what we’ve seen; take its stimulant-free pre-workout E-NOX, for example, packing a gram of agmatine, 1.5g of beta-alanine, a gram of GlycerPump glycerol, and 5g of straight citrulline for pumps and performance. Another great highlight of ATP Lab is its variety of products, as it is in categories you just won’t find at most brands, even more so in its home country of Canada, and it has another one of those this month in Inflam Control.
Inflam Control from ATP Lab is specifically designed to support and reduce inflammation by way of a very select set of ingredients. Inflammation is not a completely new area for sports nutrition companies, but definitely one that is rarely ventured into. ATP Lab has indeed done that in its latest innovation, and it has brought together a quality set of components to deliver anti-inflammatory benefits.

The formula powering ATP Lab’s Inflam Control includes the proteolytic enzymes serrapeptase and bromelain, quercetin at 25mg a serving, another common joint and inflammation component in boswellia, and alongside all of those are two premium features. The remaining ingredients are Broccophane broccoli extract at the same amount as quercetin at 25mg a serving, and the clinically studied Acumin crucmin, offering significantly greater absorption compared to standard curcumin for greater support in cardiovascular, digestive, and musculoskeletal health.
Again, it’s rare to see a sports nutrition company put together a supplement specifically for inflammation, but that’s what ATP Lab has done in Inflam Control, and it’s continued its reputation of carefully thought-out formulations, combining very specialized ingredients such as BroccoPhane and Acumin. ATP Lab does have a strong presence throughout Canada, but if you can’t find it at a store near you, it does sell directly through its online store, where Inflam Control is in stock at $59.99 for a month’s supply.