Canadian giant AllMax Nutrition has shared a teaser for a new supplement that doesn’t include a lot of information but has just enough to leave us with an idea of what it might have right around the corner. You can see a tweaked version of the graphic above, which features the product title “MusclEAA”. That is the brand’s muscle-building amino cocktail, combining 7g of all nine EAAs for muscle recovery, most of that being BCAAs at 4.2g, selaginella tamariscina, and premium Mediator phosphatidic acid at 400mg.
The teaser from AllMax Nutrition featuring the name MusclEAA and the callout of “xtreme” in the top left corner, leaves us thinking one of two things. We’re either getting a new and improved version with maybe more EAAs, other muscle-building components, or both; or the other idea is maybe it is a caffeinated variant. That would be similar to what we’ve seen many other sports nutrition brands do with their amino cocktails, which could explain the “xtreme” callout, maybe turning into a MusclEAA Xtreme Energy.
We’re only guessing at this point but feel the energy concept makes the most sense, as fans of AllMax Nutrition and its current MusclEAA will notice the tub in the preview is taller and thinner. That is a bottle style typically used for amino cocktails and energizing aminos — Optimum Nutrition’s AmiNO Energy is a prime example of that — further leaning into this potentially being an energy spin-off of MusclEAA.