Supplement Needs dives deep into specific categories of sports nutrition and health supplements, and it doesn’t tend to touch mainstream areas all that much, like pre-workout, weight loss, or muscle-building, but it does compete in the world of protein powder by way of two products. Currently on the market from the reputable and reliable retailer and brand is Vegan ISO+, a plant-powered and enhanced supplement, and Whey ISO+, which is a premium offering centered around clean and high-quality whey isolate.
Coming soon from Supplement Needs is a third entry in the protein powder space by way of Prot3in Fusion+, and like Whey ISO+, it is dairy-based, but it has some clear points of difference, most importantly the sources of protein it relies on. Instead of just whey isolate, Prot3in Fusion+ is a blend-style formula, bringing together whey concentrate, egg white, and micellar casein to provide a solid 21.7g of protein a serving at just 100 calories, offering a time-released approach, compared to the immediate delivery of isolate.
In typical Supplement Needs style, Prot3in Fusion+ has a bit more to it, as you get a bunch of additional components to help it stand above the competition, including the DigeZyme enzyme blend and ProHydrolase to improve digestion and an effective dose of AstraGin to further enhance absorption and efficacy. Currently, Supplement Needs is aiming to have its third-ever protein powder out and available next month in tubs of 33 servings in Milk Chocolate, Salted Caramel, and Strawberry Cheesecake flavors.